You can still sign up for Cub-O-Ree, everyone needs to pay by Tuesday night to attend. Click here to signup you just want to go for the day and not camp and not eat with pack it is just $10 for scout.
We NEED firewood for Cub-O-Ree, we will need to provide wood for 4 meals to be cooked and it will also be used for a heat source. Please bring wood if you have it!
POPCORN- Congratulations to Cooper Dodson for being the first week of popcorn highest seller. Remember each week we award the highest seller, so go door to door and get those sells! Remember the highest seller from each Den will get to put a pie in the face of their den leader. Also, all scouts selling at least $400 name will go into a drawing for putting a pie in the face of our Cubmaster! If you are not planning on going to Cub-O-Ree next weekend we still need help at the popcorn locations. click here to signup
Our t-shirts and Hoodies that we ordered should be in no later than October 17, if we do not have it before Cub-O-Ree, we will have them there for scouts to wear. Also ebay and craigslist are good places to find slightly used uniform shirts.
Our next pack meeting when awards are handed out will happen October 28, 2014 at the Eli Whitney fire station. Our leaders should be working with scouts on the Bobcat requirements. We need all parents to help work with the scouts on this achievement. Also parents are allowed to work with their scout on working on requirements and electives at home. If you have completed items outside of the scouting meeting since you officially joined, you will need to sign off on those items in your scouts book and turn the book into your den leader by October 21, so it can be credited for awards for the October 28 meeting. Also at this meeting any scout that has sold at least $100 will get their Space Derby Kit to start building, we will run the space derby at the pizza party November 14.
We are asking the Tigers and Wolves families to provide the drinks and snacks respectively for the October 28 pack meeting. We will be doing a rotation on snacks, parents of Tigers and Wolves if you will click here to signup for items.
If you are planning on attending the Pizza Party which is any scout who has sold popcorn, we need you signup. We are just trying to get a headcount of how many plan to attend this event for food. Click here to signup and if you plan to run the space derby
We will be hiking at Lake Jordan Parker's Creek location on November 1 for a cookout. We will meet at 2PM for a 2 mile hike to work on the hiking belt loop and Trail Trekker patch. After the hike, we will start dinner, after dinner we will move to the Ebenezer church location for the sky watching, where we will work on the Astronomy belt loop and pin. The pack will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs for the location, we need our scout families to sign up for sides, drinks, dessert. Click here if you plan to attend and what you are bringing.
Parents who want their child to get credit for any of the three parts of the NOVA program that we have done will need to complete the other requirements outside of our normal meeting times and get back with either Katie or Brandon to get the final signoffs and credit for what they have done. I believe all of the boys that have attended the events have received papers with what they have accomplished so far. If a parent is missing a paper for their kid, then they can ask us about what their child still needs to do. For questions you can reach Brandon at [email protected] 336-214-7215
I have attached the parents/leaders notes from Tuesday night meeting. Thanks to all the parents that attended on Tuesday!
Yours in Scouting,Lisa
We NEED firewood for Cub-O-Ree, we will need to provide wood for 4 meals to be cooked and it will also be used for a heat source. Please bring wood if you have it!
POPCORN- Congratulations to Cooper Dodson for being the first week of popcorn highest seller. Remember each week we award the highest seller, so go door to door and get those sells! Remember the highest seller from each Den will get to put a pie in the face of their den leader. Also, all scouts selling at least $400 name will go into a drawing for putting a pie in the face of our Cubmaster! If you are not planning on going to Cub-O-Ree next weekend we still need help at the popcorn locations. click here to signup
Our t-shirts and Hoodies that we ordered should be in no later than October 17, if we do not have it before Cub-O-Ree, we will have them there for scouts to wear. Also ebay and craigslist are good places to find slightly used uniform shirts.
Our next pack meeting when awards are handed out will happen October 28, 2014 at the Eli Whitney fire station. Our leaders should be working with scouts on the Bobcat requirements. We need all parents to help work with the scouts on this achievement. Also parents are allowed to work with their scout on working on requirements and electives at home. If you have completed items outside of the scouting meeting since you officially joined, you will need to sign off on those items in your scouts book and turn the book into your den leader by October 21, so it can be credited for awards for the October 28 meeting. Also at this meeting any scout that has sold at least $100 will get their Space Derby Kit to start building, we will run the space derby at the pizza party November 14.
We are asking the Tigers and Wolves families to provide the drinks and snacks respectively for the October 28 pack meeting. We will be doing a rotation on snacks, parents of Tigers and Wolves if you will click here to signup for items.
If you are planning on attending the Pizza Party which is any scout who has sold popcorn, we need you signup. We are just trying to get a headcount of how many plan to attend this event for food. Click here to signup and if you plan to run the space derby
We will be hiking at Lake Jordan Parker's Creek location on November 1 for a cookout. We will meet at 2PM for a 2 mile hike to work on the hiking belt loop and Trail Trekker patch. After the hike, we will start dinner, after dinner we will move to the Ebenezer church location for the sky watching, where we will work on the Astronomy belt loop and pin. The pack will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs for the location, we need our scout families to sign up for sides, drinks, dessert. Click here if you plan to attend and what you are bringing.
Parents who want their child to get credit for any of the three parts of the NOVA program that we have done will need to complete the other requirements outside of our normal meeting times and get back with either Katie or Brandon to get the final signoffs and credit for what they have done. I believe all of the boys that have attended the events have received papers with what they have accomplished so far. If a parent is missing a paper for their kid, then they can ask us about what their child still needs to do. For questions you can reach Brandon at [email protected] 336-214-7215
I have attached the parents/leaders notes from Tuesday night meeting. Thanks to all the parents that attended on Tuesday!
Yours in Scouting,Lisa