ENJOY YOUR BREAK AND HAPPY HOLIDAYSThanks to all the families who came out Tuesday night and helped setup, clean up and bring food. Thanks to the leaders for working with our scouts every week to help them grow! I would like to ask if you still have your scouts awards baggies to turn those in at the next meeting so we can recycle them.
If you have not paid or used Scout Bucks for rechartering and you plan to continue with the pack you need to let me know ASAP, we will began the paperwork process and will have to have everything turned in by January 15, 2015. If we have not been contacted by you, we will have to drop your scout. If you need help with the rechartering fee, please let us know, local churches are willing to help for those in need.
We do have extra pinewood derby kits and rain gutter regatta kits available for purchase for $4 each. We can have those at the next meeting. We will run our Pinewood Derby event in March and the Rain Gutter Regatta will be in June.
Thanks to all the families who donated money to help us with our first ever adopt a family program.
This week the leader of collecting cans is Colton Belcher followed by Ryan Davis. Remember the reward for turning in the most cans is a BSA sleeping bag valued at $50.
The cub scout program will change in June of 2015, BSA is going to offer a few webcasts on January 17, 2015. We will send out more information about this in the Winter newsletter that should come out at the first of the year.
Roller Skating at Roll-a-bout in Burlington December 30, 2014 from 1-4PM for $4.50 for the session and the $1.75 for the skate rental. Remember the scouts can earn the skating belt loop at this event. Click Here to sign up!
Hike Bethabara on January 1, 2015 at 2PM. This historic park slightly north of downtown Winston-Salem has 183 acres of land with over 20 miles of trails that can be hiked. In addition, 126 species of birds also frequent the park. Moravians were the initial settlers of this particular area and they had a grist mill to help provide flour for bread and other foods. A small pond and other amenities are upon the site. Click here to sign up. It is a little over an hour drive and we will provide directions and a meeting place next week.
Yours in Scouting,
If you have not paid or used Scout Bucks for rechartering and you plan to continue with the pack you need to let me know ASAP, we will began the paperwork process and will have to have everything turned in by January 15, 2015. If we have not been contacted by you, we will have to drop your scout. If you need help with the rechartering fee, please let us know, local churches are willing to help for those in need.
We do have extra pinewood derby kits and rain gutter regatta kits available for purchase for $4 each. We can have those at the next meeting. We will run our Pinewood Derby event in March and the Rain Gutter Regatta will be in June.
Thanks to all the families who donated money to help us with our first ever adopt a family program.
This week the leader of collecting cans is Colton Belcher followed by Ryan Davis. Remember the reward for turning in the most cans is a BSA sleeping bag valued at $50.
The cub scout program will change in June of 2015, BSA is going to offer a few webcasts on January 17, 2015. We will send out more information about this in the Winter newsletter that should come out at the first of the year.
Roller Skating at Roll-a-bout in Burlington December 30, 2014 from 1-4PM for $4.50 for the session and the $1.75 for the skate rental. Remember the scouts can earn the skating belt loop at this event. Click Here to sign up!
Hike Bethabara on January 1, 2015 at 2PM. This historic park slightly north of downtown Winston-Salem has 183 acres of land with over 20 miles of trails that can be hiked. In addition, 126 species of birds also frequent the park. Moravians were the initial settlers of this particular area and they had a grist mill to help provide flour for bread and other foods. A small pond and other amenities are upon the site. Click here to sign up. It is a little over an hour drive and we will provide directions and a meeting place next week.
Yours in Scouting,