Great Dad & Lad Weekend.
While it was hot this weekend at Dad & Lad, all of our scouts and their dads had a great weekend. Pack 65 had the most scouts of any pack in attendance with 10 scouts attending this event. Scouts got to enjoy fishing, archery, BB guns, tie-dye shirts and much more!
We have more Rain Gutter Regatta kits at the Crabtree household, if you need a kit, contact us to make arrangements on picking these up. Travis had them at the Dad & Lad, but nobody requested them there.
Our pack has a busy week ahead! Bears will meet Tuesday night at the Scout Cabin at 6pm to work on the Forensic Adventure Loop. **Other leaders if you want to use the scout cabin this summer to have a den meeting let me know and I will check with Ron to see if it is available. The Troop meets almost every Monday night, so keep that in mind when making plans.
Thursday night July 14th is Putt-Putt in Burlington at 6:30, cost is $8 per person and it is open to the whole family. The cost includes 2 rounds of Putt-Putt and 20 tokens. While this is an Alamance District event I hope to see a lot of Pack 65 at the event, since we planned the event as one of our original Summertime Pack Award events! The Alamance District is piggybacking off of our event. You can wear either Class A or Class B for this event.
Saturday July 16 we will meet at Lake Michael in Mebane for a hike then our Rain Gutter Regatta Race. Bring your own picnic lunch during a relaxed fun afternoon. We have the first shelter reserved from 10AM-2PM. The scouts will hike first while the track is being setup. After the hike we will host the race and after the race have lunch. Remember the lake does offer fishing and paddle boats each for an additional small cost. We hope that you will bring the whole family for a day of fun!
Remember if you want to attend the Burlington Royals Baseball game August 13, you will need to sign up and pay the pack at the Rain Gutter Regatta. If you owe the pack any money for past events, you will need to settle that debt first before signing up for this event. Cost for scout is $10 which includes baseball game, dinner and camping. If you just want the game; no meal cost is $5 for scouts and for other family members the cost is $5 which does not include meal.
Surrounding the Main Flagpole at Camp Cherokee is a brand new walkway. Inside the walkway are bricks that can be purchased for family members who have made the rank of Eagle Scout. They look really nice and the cost is $100 per brick. So if you know of a father, brother, uncle or just a close friend, etc... this could be a really nice gift to provide maybe as a Christmas present or for a birthday gift. The first picture in this e-mail is where the bricks will be located, our pack is standing on them as a hopeful group of future Eagle scouts. Remember only 4% make it.
Other events the pack has planned.
August 6 at 9AM we will hike the Great Bend at Glenco
August 10 6:30PM Bowling at Country Club Lanes cost is $8.50 includes 2 games of bowling, show rental and 1 round of mini golf
August 25 Open House at BEJ & AWE schools and we will need help with recruitment tables
August 27 Adopt a School Program at AWE & BEJ school grounds clean up
September 6 at 7pm will be our first Pack meeting back along with a Parents meeting starting at 6pm
September 9-11 camping & Hiking Hanging Rock State Park
September 17 Elon Football Game campout
September 20 Ice Cream Social/Popcorn Kickoff
October 21-23 Cub-O-Ree Camp out at Camp Woodfield
Yours in Scouting,
While it was hot this weekend at Dad & Lad, all of our scouts and their dads had a great weekend. Pack 65 had the most scouts of any pack in attendance with 10 scouts attending this event. Scouts got to enjoy fishing, archery, BB guns, tie-dye shirts and much more!
We have more Rain Gutter Regatta kits at the Crabtree household, if you need a kit, contact us to make arrangements on picking these up. Travis had them at the Dad & Lad, but nobody requested them there.
Our pack has a busy week ahead! Bears will meet Tuesday night at the Scout Cabin at 6pm to work on the Forensic Adventure Loop. **Other leaders if you want to use the scout cabin this summer to have a den meeting let me know and I will check with Ron to see if it is available. The Troop meets almost every Monday night, so keep that in mind when making plans.
Thursday night July 14th is Putt-Putt in Burlington at 6:30, cost is $8 per person and it is open to the whole family. The cost includes 2 rounds of Putt-Putt and 20 tokens. While this is an Alamance District event I hope to see a lot of Pack 65 at the event, since we planned the event as one of our original Summertime Pack Award events! The Alamance District is piggybacking off of our event. You can wear either Class A or Class B for this event.
Saturday July 16 we will meet at Lake Michael in Mebane for a hike then our Rain Gutter Regatta Race. Bring your own picnic lunch during a relaxed fun afternoon. We have the first shelter reserved from 10AM-2PM. The scouts will hike first while the track is being setup. After the hike we will host the race and after the race have lunch. Remember the lake does offer fishing and paddle boats each for an additional small cost. We hope that you will bring the whole family for a day of fun!
Remember if you want to attend the Burlington Royals Baseball game August 13, you will need to sign up and pay the pack at the Rain Gutter Regatta. If you owe the pack any money for past events, you will need to settle that debt first before signing up for this event. Cost for scout is $10 which includes baseball game, dinner and camping. If you just want the game; no meal cost is $5 for scouts and for other family members the cost is $5 which does not include meal.
Surrounding the Main Flagpole at Camp Cherokee is a brand new walkway. Inside the walkway are bricks that can be purchased for family members who have made the rank of Eagle Scout. They look really nice and the cost is $100 per brick. So if you know of a father, brother, uncle or just a close friend, etc... this could be a really nice gift to provide maybe as a Christmas present or for a birthday gift. The first picture in this e-mail is where the bricks will be located, our pack is standing on them as a hopeful group of future Eagle scouts. Remember only 4% make it.
Other events the pack has planned.
August 6 at 9AM we will hike the Great Bend at Glenco
August 10 6:30PM Bowling at Country Club Lanes cost is $8.50 includes 2 games of bowling, show rental and 1 round of mini golf
August 25 Open House at BEJ & AWE schools and we will need help with recruitment tables
August 27 Adopt a School Program at AWE & BEJ school grounds clean up
September 6 at 7pm will be our first Pack meeting back along with a Parents meeting starting at 6pm
September 9-11 camping & Hiking Hanging Rock State Park
September 17 Elon Football Game campout
September 20 Ice Cream Social/Popcorn Kickoff
October 21-23 Cub-O-Ree Camp out at Camp Woodfield
Yours in Scouting,