Due to a production issue, the White Cheddar Popcorn was not delivered with the rest of the popcorn on Friday. We have been told it will be shipped and we should have it for this weeks Tuesday night meeting. If you did not come to the pickup on Friday night, we will have it there on Tuesday night for you to pack up. Please check your forms and make sure you got what you needed and if you have anything missing let me know. We know we had a couple of families who did not get what they needed, so we are in the process of getting the orders corrected. Also we still have extra popcorn that can be purchased. 3 bags of white choc pretzels, 2 bags of Buffalo, 1 bag of kettle corn, 3 bags of caramel w/nuts, and 11 bags of the choc drizzle.
Service Project
It is the time of year when we gather with friends and family to share family traditions and give thanks to all that we have. I know that I am very thankful to all of our scouts and their families. I have always said when you join pack 65 it is like joining a bigger family, it makes me so proud to say I am from Pack 65 and I hope that you feel the same way. With that said it was discussed at the parent/leaders meeting for us to do adopt a family. I am working with Christmas Cheer on getting a list of needs for one family which will be posted soon. If your family can help, please sign up for what you can purchase. If you don't want to do the shopping, then feel free to donate money at the next meeting and we will shop for the items.
We are working to schedule a campus clean up for both AWE & BEJ for December 13, it should only take a hour at each school to walk the school grounds picking up trash.
Please keep Ryan Davis and Brenda in your thoughts and prayers, Ryan's dad passed away unexpected this week.
Social Media
Jennifer Freeland has accepted the role of social media for the pack. She is now adding events to the pack Facebook page. We ask that you friend Cub Scout Pack 65. We ask that you share pictures of events for all the members to enjoy!
Also, I am working on keeping the website updated with current events. Check out the media section where I have added pictures and under news I have added some of our weekly emails. It should have the latest documents and sign-up sheets. Our pack web address is www.pack65nc.com
It is a proven fact that boys who have friends that join the Cub Scouts with them are twice as likely to stick with the program. Of course you have seen over the past few weeks the boys will make new friends when given the opportunity. Still I wanted to remind everyone that right now the council is encouraging scouts to recruit a friend to join scouting with them. If your scouts gets another scout to join our pack by December 12, 2014, their name will go into a drawing for a $500 gift card.
Planning Meetings We will have a planning meeting Tuesday November 26 at 6:30 at the church to discuss decorations for the trailer for the Graham Parade December 6, we already have 23 scouts signed up, so let's make it special for them!
The next parents/leaders meeting will be held December 2 at the church at 6PM. we'll discuss upcoming events, service projects, budget, & rechartering.
Lastly, we will hold a Blue and Gold planning meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday, December 9 to set the date and discuss locations for this event. We would like to invite any parent to attend that is interested in helping plan this special event.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy time with family and friends!
Due to a production issue, the White Cheddar Popcorn was not delivered with the rest of the popcorn on Friday. We have been told it will be shipped and we should have it for this weeks Tuesday night meeting. If you did not come to the pickup on Friday night, we will have it there on Tuesday night for you to pack up. Please check your forms and make sure you got what you needed and if you have anything missing let me know. We know we had a couple of families who did not get what they needed, so we are in the process of getting the orders corrected. Also we still have extra popcorn that can be purchased. 3 bags of white choc pretzels, 2 bags of Buffalo, 1 bag of kettle corn, 3 bags of caramel w/nuts, and 11 bags of the choc drizzle.
Service Project
It is the time of year when we gather with friends and family to share family traditions and give thanks to all that we have. I know that I am very thankful to all of our scouts and their families. I have always said when you join pack 65 it is like joining a bigger family, it makes me so proud to say I am from Pack 65 and I hope that you feel the same way. With that said it was discussed at the parent/leaders meeting for us to do adopt a family. I am working with Christmas Cheer on getting a list of needs for one family which will be posted soon. If your family can help, please sign up for what you can purchase. If you don't want to do the shopping, then feel free to donate money at the next meeting and we will shop for the items.
We are working to schedule a campus clean up for both AWE & BEJ for December 13, it should only take a hour at each school to walk the school grounds picking up trash.
Please keep Ryan Davis and Brenda in your thoughts and prayers, Ryan's dad passed away unexpected this week.
Social Media
Jennifer Freeland has accepted the role of social media for the pack. She is now adding events to the pack Facebook page. We ask that you friend Cub Scout Pack 65. We ask that you share pictures of events for all the members to enjoy!
Also, I am working on keeping the website updated with current events. Check out the media section where I have added pictures and under news I have added some of our weekly emails. It should have the latest documents and sign-up sheets. Our pack web address is www.pack65nc.com
It is a proven fact that boys who have friends that join the Cub Scouts with them are twice as likely to stick with the program. Of course you have seen over the past few weeks the boys will make new friends when given the opportunity. Still I wanted to remind everyone that right now the council is encouraging scouts to recruit a friend to join scouting with them. If your scouts gets another scout to join our pack by December 12, 2014, their name will go into a drawing for a $500 gift card.
Planning Meetings We will have a planning meeting Tuesday November 26 at 6:30 at the church to discuss decorations for the trailer for the Graham Parade December 6, we already have 23 scouts signed up, so let's make it special for them!
The next parents/leaders meeting will be held December 2 at the church at 6PM. we'll discuss upcoming events, service projects, budget, & rechartering.
Lastly, we will hold a Blue and Gold planning meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday, December 9 to set the date and discuss locations for this event. We would like to invite any parent to attend that is interested in helping plan this special event.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy time with family and friends!